5 Natural Ways to Cure Your Skin Problems Using Only Ingredients from Home

Are you sick of using chemical products from the market and not being able to cure your skin problems? Well, you can just use some products that can be easily found in any household.

Nubra life is a brand that will help you cure all your skin problems, we have products specialized in  acne and dry skin.

You don’t need to buy any harsh chemical-based products from the market when you can just use those ingredients that are in your house lying around doing nothing.

Which problem are you facing?

  • Acne:

Acne or Skin breakout, the most widely recognized skin problem in India., can be a wellspring of uneasiness for each adolescent. Besides, the rate of skin inflammation is filling in grown-ups.

Skin break-out is brought about by impeded hair follicles and oil (sebaceous) organs of the skin, frequently set off by hormonal changes. The term skin inflammation alludes to pimples on the face, however, clogged pores, blisters, and knobs also. Certain individuals get skin inflammation on different pieces of their body, such as the back and chest.

  • Dry skin:

The cool outside and warmed insides make for a one-two punch that leaves skin inclined to dryness. No one needs dry bothersome skin. And keeping in mind that there are tons of business items promising graceful hydration, an excessive number of lotions do their offering with manufactured fixings that no one ought to rub into the biggest organ of the body. Truly, remember this: Skin covers a space of 21 square feet on the normal grown-up and plays host to more than 11 miles of blood vessels.

  • Chapped Lips:

It appears to be no season is useful for staying away from dried-out lips. In the late spring, they're burned by the sun. In the colder time of year, they're wind-chilled and dry, and all through fall and spring… indeed, we should be genuine, we're likely dried out.

 Loading up on lip analgesic seems like the least demanding course to go when fighting dry, broken lips, however, it's by all account, not the only—or even best—cure. Attempt one or this splendid dried lip fixes all things being equal.

Try out these 5 remedies to cure your problems

For Acne:

  1. Honey and Cinnamon Mask:

Honey and cinnamon can battle microbes and decrease aggravation, which are two factors that trigger skin break out.

Steps to prepare your own Mask at home:

  • Blend 2 tablespoons of Nubra life Himalayan Chichiri Honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to shape a glue.
  • After purifying, apply the cover to your face and leave it on for 10–15 minutes.
  • Flush the cover off totally and wipe your face
  1. Cedarwood Oil:

Cedarwood oil has calming and antimicrobial properties. This might make it advantageous for skin conditions like skin break out.

How to use it:

  • Have a go at breathing in Nubra life Cedar Oil medicinal balm straightforwardly from the container, or sprinkling a limited quantity on a towel or fabric and setting that under your cushion.
  • You can likewise add Nubra life Cedar Oil to an atomizer jug and shower it on dried blossoms or light to tenderly fragrance your home.
  • Or Blend Nubra life cedar oil with other relieving fragrances, like Lavender.

For Dry Skin & Chapped Lips:

  1. Walnut Oil:

If you apply Nubra life Walnut Oil on your lips, it will do miracles and heal your chapped lips. Nubra life Walnut Oil is weighty on the surface and incredibly feeding. Hence, it works best on dry skin. It is even great in treating and mitigating outrageous dry skin conditions like psoriasis. You can either add it to your washing water or essentially apply it to the impacted region.

  1. Rose Water:

Assuming you experience the ill effects of ceaselessly dry skin even with salve, adding Nubra life Rose Waterto your routine could be the response. In the wake of escaping the shower, spritz a Nubra life Rose Watersplash, all-around your body. Quickly seal it in with your cherished body while your skin is still soggy. Bye, bye dry flaky skin.

Steps to make Rosewater-

  • Fill a pot with new flower petals and cover them with refined water. The water should just barely cover the flower petals. An excess of water and your rosewater will be exceptionally weakened.
  • Cover the pot, go hot to low, and gradually heat it to the point of boiling.
  • Turn off heat, keep cover on and let the water come to room temperature.
  • Once at room temperature, strain out petals and fill a spotless, disinfected bottle.

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